This activity is designed to help you to begin drafting and modifying your final assessment task for this course. From the types of online assessment that you have been exposed to through the readings.  For example, see required reading from week one (pages 12 -18): 

  1. Select one of the assessment types that you think could be used in one of the courses that you teach. 

  2.  Identify a possible objective or learning outcome from the course that it could be used to assess. 

  3. Determine the purpose (whether it would be used for formative or summative assessment and how it aligns with the learning outcomes of the course).  

  4. List the technology resources and skills that students would need to successfully complete the assessment   

  5. Provide a brief explanation of how you would determine successful completion of the online assessment task (rubric/ components to be used as indicators) 

  6. Create the draft of the assessment and post it in the space provided for your group. Do not include your name 

  7. Examine the samples provided by your group members and provide feedback using the 3-2-1 format (the feedback form is provided) 

Headings to be included in the draft submission: 

  1. Type of Online Assessment 

  2. Course Title & Learning Objectives/ Outcomes 

  3. Purpose of Online Assessment (What objectives/ outcomes is the assessment task aligned with? How does it allow for assessment of the objective/ learning outcome?) 

  4. Technology Resources Required (what resources -platforms, software, apps, tools - will students need to complete the task online?) 

  5. Academic Integrity (what steps/ process is included to safeguard against issues such as plagiarism/ cheating?) 

  6. Determine Success / Failure in Completing Task (Rubric for grading assessment task)

Try to complete this NO LATER THAN SUNDAY, February 13th. If you are going to be late with your submission please send an email to your peers who will be assigned to review your work to make some arrangements. Remember your peers will need time to review your work and give feedback!

Grading Rubric

Separate groups: All participants
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