The Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC) welcomes you to its Moodle site.
VUSSC is a network of small countries which work together to produce, share, adapt and use learning materials around areas of common interest. We are committed to developing open educational resources and building sustainable capacity in open, distance and technology-based learning. Whether you are here as a guest viewing content or an enrolled learner participating in a course, we hope you will find our materials useful.
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This short
professional learning course will familiarise participants with the unique
factors that should be considered when building a culture of support for online
and distance learners across the institution. The course will cover designing,
developing and evaluating provision of learner support services in online and
distance education programmes. It will provide participants with an opportunity
to design and develop activities, materials, and practices suitable for a
distance or online course they currently teach or a programme that they manage.
The course activities will be so designed that participants experience a sense
of community and share with their peers, a variety of academic and non-academic
support activities, materials and practices that they have developed throughout
the course.
This short
professional learning course will familiarise participants with the unique
factors that should be considered when building a culture of support for online
and distance learners across the institution. The course will cover designing,
developing and evaluating provision of learner support services in online and
distance education programmes. It will provide participants with an opportunity
to design and develop activities, materials, and practices suitable for a
distance or online course they currently teach or a programme that they manage.
The course activities will be so designed that participants experience a sense
of community and share with their peers, a variety of academic and non-academic
support activities, materials and practices that they have developed throughout
the course.
This Moodle space has been created to support the project aimed at advancing the development and use of educational resources (OER) among Faculty at The UWI, St Augustine. This is where UWI authors can implement their respective course content modules

- Teacher: Richelle Adams
- Teacher: Letetia Addison
- Teacher: Ahmed Ali
- Teacher: Krishna Bahadursingh
- Teacher: Avian Daly
- Teacher: juan david sanchez salgado
- Teacher: Niala Dwarika-Bhagat
- Teacher: Petrea Facey
- Teacher: Marc Garcia
- Teacher: Leroy Hill
- Teacher: Juliet Jones
- Teacher: Javed Mohammed
- Teacher: Ayesha Moore
- Teacher: Kamau Osborne
- Teacher: Paola Palma
- Teacher: Bephyer Parey
- Teacher: Jolie Rajah
- Teacher: Randy Siew
- Teacher: Paulson Skerrit
- Teacher: Justin Zephyrine
Through interaction with representatives of the disability community, course facilitators, and various multimedia information resources, participants in this 21 hour online course explore media reporting of disability as a human rights issue. The course introduces the skills and approaches necessary for inclusive and sensitive reporting. Participants produce media content that is inclusive of the disability community and sensitive to the rights of their members. Topics include the following: Introduction to the Disability Community, Media Portrayal of People with Disability; Language of reporting: The Power of Words and Sensitivity in Digital Reporting.
The objective of the course is to introduce the basic concepts and techniques of Artificial Intelligence (AI) with the help of innovation such as case studies and simple examples to keep the learners engaged. Various artificial intelligence techniques such as knowledge representation, reasoning, and search strategy, rules, learning techniques, and AI tools are used to demonstrate the case studies.
The course also includes material for learners who may like to undertake further studies in the field. The course also aims to remove the fear factor associated with the field of Artificial Intelligence amongst the general audience.