Graded Discussion Forum 5

Online Tutor and ODL

Online Tutor and ODL

by Tamsin Granville -
Number of replies: 0

The traditional ODL would have been provided in most cases with print based materials, and other resources that substituted for the distance in time and space between the learner and tutor. The learning environment was designed specifically to cater to the aforementioned difference. On the contrary, the Online tutor use technology in the form of the LMS and other applications to communicate with all students. The LMS is designed in a structured way so as to have students access and complete programmes in a mandated time slot.

In an online course, the tutors is responsible for ensuring that the LMS has been completed with content, activities, and assessments that match the course outline. He or she also has to monitor student attendance and interaction in the course. The online tutor also provide timely descriptive feedback to students so that they can improve their performances, clear misconceptions, seek guidance.

These roles are ensync with what happens at the college as the college has embraced a Hybrid Approach where all tutors have to populate the LMS and monitor their students performances whether during Online or Face to Face Sessions