Graded Discussion Forum 5

Online tutor and that of traditional ODL

Online tutor and that of traditional ODL

by Reshana La Rose -
Number of replies: 0

1.What are the differences between an online tutor and that of traditional ODL?

 Firstly, an online tutor is concerned with a telecommunication system or a device connected by the internet modality. As such, the tutor would be task with communication, response, monitoring, supporting students, providing feedback among others responsibilities all these are done on the internet.

On the other hand, mode encompasses the ability of the learner to have the flexibility while learning.  This may include the online mode and other suitable mode to accommodate the learner while facilitation the learning process. Which may include various forms of technology, the print, radio, television, the computer and other online tools.

 2. Discuss the responsibilities of an online tutor in a course?

An online tutor must take responsibility for the efficient functioning of the platform, peer discussions, feedback and providing sufficient feedback.

3. How do these compare with the responsibilities you have been undertaking in your course, or the practice in your institution?

In our courses at the CPCE we are both online tutors and ODL facilitators. We provide tutoring services online and are also prepare printed and radio materials for our learners which allows for their flexibility.