What are the characteristics of a good Learner support service?

It is evident that a good learner support service does not only call for technical infrastructural support, but looks into what Thorpe (2001) has grouped as:

  • Identity - The learner has the opportunity to interact with learner support services personnel on a one-to-one basis
  • Individualization- The interaction that the learner has with learner support services personnel is individualized, based on the specific needs and goals of the learner.
  • Interpersonal interaction-The interaction is mutual and reciprocal, with learning and performance as goals rather than simply information delivery.

In a learner support services environment, these elements can be realized through the practice of scaffolding.

Lesson Summary

This lesson has looked into the concept of Learner support service in ODL as an integrated approach which brings various players in an education institution such as administrators, tutors, counsellors, peers, families, and ICT technologists etc. together to offer systemic, cognitive and affective support to the learner.


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Last modified: Sunday, 1 January 2023, 9:44 AM