What are the cross-cutting features of ODL?

In general, different definitions of ODL are in agreement on the following basic principles:
  • Teachers and learners are separated by distance and time.
  • Majority of communication between teachers and learners is technologically mediated and it differs from the campus-based mode of learning.
  • Study materials are prepared in a structured, sequential order for study by students on their own, i.e., Self-Learning Materials.
  • Institutional accreditation: that is, learning is accredited or certified by some institution or agency. This type of learning is distinct from learning through your own effort without the official recognition of a learning institution.
  • Use of mixed media (i.e., print, audio, video), sometimes in conjunction with face-to-face communication, is used for the exchange of learning materials; and
  • Open learning refers to a philosophy of education providing students with as much choice and control as possible over content and learning strategies and removing all barriers to access while providing a high degree of learner autonomy.
  1. Read   Learner Support in Open and Distance Learning, pg. 3- 7. And note down the characteristics of ODL.
  2. Add any two features that characterize the ODL in your institution.

Last modified: Sunday, 1 January 2023, 9:40 AM