What is Open and Distance Education?

Open and distance learning (ODL) has been interpreted differently and has attracted various approaches in its realization (CoL, 1999: 2). The terms “open and distance learning” represent approaches that focus on opening access to education and training provision, freeing learners from the constraints of time and place, and offering flexible learning opportunities to individuals and group of learners (Sarkhel, 2014).

The term openness implies the availability of education to anyone, anywhere, anytime without social, physical, or geographical constraints. In essence, ODL means any learning situation where the learner and the teacher are not in the same geographical place.

Fig. 1 Participants at a previous ODeL workshop organized by Commonwealth of Learning.

Below are some of the terms that are used by different institutions to refer to Open and distance Learning:

Fig. 1 Terms related to open and distance learning. (CoL, 1999: 3-7)

Last modified: Saturday, 18 February 2023, 6:17 AM