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Virtual University for Small States of the Commonwealth (VUSSC)
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Unit 1: Intelligence, Foundation and Tools of AI
Unit 2: Knowledge, Logic and Reasoning
Unit 3: Problem solving and Knowledge representation
Unit 4: Knowledge and rule-based Systems
Unit 5: Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning
Unit 6: Neural Networks, IOT, Deep Learning, Blockchain
Introduction to AI for IT and Non-IT Professionals 6 (January 2024)
Unit 5: Fuzzy Logic and Machine Learning
Learning in AI
Learning in AI
link to open resource.
◄ What is Learning?
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About this course
Course Guidelines
Frequently Asked Questions
Requirements for earning a Certificate of Completion
Pre-Course Survey
What is Intelligence
What is artificial intelligence
AI in a formal and casual perspective
Weak and strong AI
Quiz 1
Foundations of AI
Precursor and birth of AI
Trends-technologies and tools for AI
Role of AI
Quiz 2
What is logic
Role of Logic in AI
Propositional logic
Quiz 3
What is knowledge
What is reasoning
Types of Reasoning
Quiz 4
What is Problem Solving
Problem Solving in AI
Examples of Problem Solving in AI
Agents in Artificial Intelligence
Solving Problem as search in Artificial intelligence
Multi agent environments
Quiz 5
Adversarial Search
Types of Games in AI
Genetic algorithm as parallel search
Queen Problems
Difference between Information and Knowledge
Types of knowledge
Relation between knowledge and intelligence
Knowledge representation
Quiz 6
Approaches to knowledge representation
Techniques of knowledge representation
Knowledge-Based Agent in Artificial intelligence
Inference Rules
First Order Logic
Quiz 7
Knowledge-based Systems
What is a Rule Based system
Case study of Rule Based Systems
Application of Rule Based systems
Artificial Intelligence Areas
Expert Systems
Quiz 8
Inference Mechanism
Fuzzy logic
Fuzzy Inference Systems
Case Study Fuzzy Logic
Natural Language Processing
How to build NLP pipeline
Types of Robots
Quiz 9
What is Learning?
Learning Techniques
Solving real world problems by learning
What is Machine Learning?
Difference between machine learning and artificial intelligence?
How to Perform Machine Learning
Supervised Learning
Unsupervised and Semi-Supervised Learning
Reinforcement Learning
Quiz 10
Introduction to Neural Networks
Multi-Layer Perceptron
Advantages and disadvantages of Neural Networks
Quiz 11
Plant Watering System using Fuzzy Logic
Fuzzy Logic Development Tool
Deep Learning
Deep Learning - Example
Internet of Things (IOT) and AI
Introduction to Big Data
Big Data Overview with IoT and AI
Tools for Big Data Mining and Analysis
Blockchain with AI and IoT
Quiz 12
Learning Techniques ►