Concept of Quality and Quality Assurance as Applied in ODL

Watch the YouTube video below by the Commonwealth of Learning which explains the concept of Quality, Quality Assurance, and Quality Control in ODeL.  


Assuring the quality of education provision is a fundamental aspect of gaining and maintaining credibility for programs, institutions, and national systems of higher education worldwide. Despite a long and generally successful track record, open and distance learning (ODL) is still required to prove that the quality of student learning is at least equivalent to face-to-face teaching. A comprehensive quality assurance (QA) system can help accomplish this. Quality assurance in education is intended to improve the quality of an institution's methods, educational products, and outcomes. This includes developing and producing learning materials, academic programs, services and support, and student learning standards for the case of an ODL.

Identify key measurements of Quality in an Education setting after watching this video-

Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2023, 6:40 AM