What are the functions and benefits of LSS?

Functions of Learner support services

In this section, we shall look at the functions of learner support services in open and distance learning in general. Later, we shall look at the same in the context of online learning.

The functions that comprise LSS are well documented (Ludwig & Dunlap, 2003; Croft, 1991; CoL, 2011). While CoL (1999: 2-10) categorizes the functions of LSS services as tuition and counseling, Kishore (1998: 206) broadly categorizes the functions of LSS as follows:

  1. Motivating and guiding learners for self-study
  2. Providing answers to administrative queries
  3. Making individualized study a reality
  4. Promoting effective study skills
  5. Providing access to resources

On the other hand, Sarkhel (2015) summarizes the objectives of Learner support services as;

  • Environmental

(a) to create an environment conducive to distance learning, and (b) to transform an educational program into a complete educational experience.

  • Motivational

(a) to motivate learners to continue their education by promoting independent learning; (b) to secure learners’ satisfaction, and (c) to remove isolation.

  • Attributional

(a) to provide feedback on progress of courses; (b) to encourage socialization by promoting team work and team spirit, and (c) to improve the educational standards of learners).

Scholars such as Sarkhel (2015) have therefore categorized the support offered to a distant learner into infrastructural support and learning process support as per the table below.

Learning infrastructural support

Learning process support

This includes

  • provision information cell for learners;
  • establishment of study centers with adequate infrastructural facilities;
  • arrangements for continuous evaluation of student progress through assignments;
  • application of ICT in different areas of student support services;
  • provision for library facilities at headquarter and study centers;
  • development of course materials in self-learning material (SLM) format and the conversion of existing printed course materials into SLM format;
  • development and sharing of SLMs (multiple media) amongst different open universities/distance education institutes through adoption /adaptation; and
  • development of electronic media production capacity.

Watch the video: Benefits of leaner support services

Last modified: Saturday, 7 January 2023, 9:55 AM