Characteristics of ODL learners

One outstanding characteristic of ODL learners is that they are mostly adult learners. However, with advances in technology and the use of Web 2.0 interactive technologies, very young learners have come on board, particularly during the Covid -19 pandemic.

Brookfield (1986), cited in CoL. (1999: 2-3) gives 9 characteristics of adult learners as:-

  • Adults maintain the ability to learn.
  • Adults are a highly diversified group of individuals with widely differing preferences, needs, backgrounds, and skills.
  • Adults experience a gradual decline in physical and sensory capabilities.
  • The learner’s experience is a major resource in learning situations.
  • Self-concept moves from dependence to independence as individuals grow in responsibilities, experience, and confidence.
  • Adults tend to be life-centered in their orientation to learning.
  • Adults are motivated to learn by a variety of factors.
  • Active learner participation in the learning process contributes to learning.
  • A comfortable, supportive environment is key to successful learning.

In addition to the above, adult learners have more commitments than young learners and children since their studies must compete with essential life maintenance activities such as keeping a family, holding a job, and finding money to get by.

Last modified: Sunday, 1 January 2023, 9:41 AM