I feel that this course has met my expectations
I feel that my knowledge and skills have improved after taking this course.
I would recommend this course to a colleague or others teaching in ODeL environment.
3. The course description was in line with the course content.
4. How would you rate the course sequence and flow?
5. The course provided an opportunity to learn from my peers and from the facilitator.
6. How much time did you spend studying the course per week?
7. I found the discussion forums useful?
The facilitator supported my learning journey.
8. The assessments, including the assignment, help consolidate my knowledge.
I was able to navigate through the course with ease.
My level of knowledge about effective learner support in the open distance and eLearning environment after taking the course is ...
I can explain the concept learner support service and its significance in open distance and eLearning environment
I can discuss the competencies of an online tutor that facilitates learner support in ODeL
I can explain the concept and strategies of building of community of learners in ODeL
I know the role of administrators of a learning institution in providing learner support in the ODeL context.
I can carry out an assessment of the quality of Learner support service in my institution.
I could teach my colleagues about effective learner support in open distance and online environment
To what extent has your participation in this course increased your ability to support the learner in an open distance and eLearning environment?
How relevant is this course to your job/profession?